Some of my satisfied clients before and after photos, plus some testimonials based on their experience

"The primary benefit I had with Panos is that I gained a friend and an incredible education.  My overall health improved immensely, my balance which was lousy improved considerably, my strength as well as my flexibility also showed vast improvement.

I learned new techniques of exercising as well as concentrating on the whole body and keeping focus.  I was taught the correct way of exercising and using equipment to avoid being hurt and for maximum results.  Very little time was wasted while working with my fitness trainer because he saw to it that I stick to the regimen." Cliff A, 63

"Currently on vacation; but even being away, Panos is making sure that I stick to my routine with detailed workouts emailed to me and follow-ups. I have to say, I've workout with many trainers before and by far he seems to really pay attention to detail. He makes the extra effort, not like other trainers I've worked with before where you are just a number for them and all they care about is to get as many clients as they can. my trainer is very professional and always on top of it. I'm very confident that he will get me to my goal. Not only is he making sure I workout but he is looking at my daily meal intake every day as well. Also he responses very quick to emails and I would highly recommend him to someone who is serious about achieving their goals. He is your go-to man." Elana B, 28

"I've worked with a few trainers before at high end gyms and they never gave me the feel that the things I was doing were customized for my goals. I felt like I was doing very generic exercises that didn't benefit me 100%. I even saw a few of them doing the same routines they used for me, to people with totally different bodies. With Panos I saw, and especially felt, great results in a short period of time. I'd love to keep him for the rest of my life. He healed a few injuries I had on shoulders and lower back and taught me how to prevent myself from getting injured again. Thank you for saving my life" Christine D, 61

I'm a personal trainer and I wanted to try working with another trainer and see if I can use his knowledge to benefit my job. This guy is amazing, he made me feel like I have no clue about my own body. Currently he is my fitness guru and I listen to him like a child. I never thought a trainer would have such a passion and thirst about what he's doing. The best thing about him, is the fact that he teaches me everything I need to know about my body and explains to me every step we take in our routine and why we're doing it this way. I feel like I'm back to school but I'm actually enjoying it this time" John A, 33